Accredited Africa Training Institute for Capacity Development - Providing International Training Courses in South Africa

Impact Evaluation from Evidence Generation to Utilization in Public Sector

Objective of the Course:
A dominant feature of empirical research in economics in the past two decades has been the “credibility revolution” in empirical research that has prioritized the generation of credible causal estimates of the impact of policies and programs.

This course will present an overview of the major techniques for impact evaluation (with a practical guide to using them and the assumptions under which they are valid) and focus on the design, execution, analysis, and interpretation of randomized field experiments.

This course will also show how qualitative methods can be combined with quantitative methods to both measure the impact of interventions and understand the processes and mechanisms underlying that impact. It will briefly introduce methods to collect qualitative data such as open-ended interviews, Participatory Appraisal Methods, Focus Group Discussions, and textual data. It will also introduce methods for analyzing that data, including coding systems and structures, and text-as-data methods.

And it will show how qualitative methods can be integrated with quantitative methods by studying papers using mixed-methods analysis for different topics and contexts.

Who is it for?
This short course is designed for researchers, teachers, and consumers of impact evaluation and will provide opportunities for discussion of practical issues in implementing each of these techniques.
The goal is to get participants comfortable with reading and evaluating papers using these techniques, implement them in your own research, and teach them to your students in advanced undergraduate and master’s courses.


South Africa

Training Dates:

Each course starts every Monday of each week. Please book your training on a date that is a Monday.

Course Duration:

Unit Standard:

NQF Level:

Number of Credits:

Course Fees

Note: Please fill in the online application form on the left or bottom if this page to receive a quotation with detailed pricing from AATICD.

How to Apply:

To Apply Simply Fill in the Online Enquiries / Applications form on the Right Sidebar or Bottom of this website


When filling the online application form; please take note of your desired Training Month, Duration in Weeks and Training Session. This will give us the exact dates you will be attending your classes.

Also note that Tuition Fees must be paid upfront on or before training start date. This is to ensure that all resources are made availabe for you before you start. You will not be allowed into training if fees are not paid and verified.

Also note that Tuition Fees Cancellations must be made 14 business working days before the starting date of training. This will allow us to do a 50% refund of the total amount paid. If cancellations are made thereafter note that no refund will be made to delegates.

Tuition Fees include teas and lunch as well as either a laptop or tablet which a delegate will take home free of charge.

Tuition Fee DOES NOT include Accommodation, Dinners and other Extra Curricular Activities or Incidentals. Delegates are expected to fund this on their own. AATICD will not be held accountable for any incidents to delegates.

In-House Trainings are also available for 3 or more delegates for any duration. Please consult with our Administration for such In-House training bookings.

Course Outline

Course Outline:

  1. Potential Outcome Framework, Counterfactuals, and Selection Bias
  2. Matching Estimators and Instrumental Variables
  3. Regression Discontinuity Estimators
  4. Differences in Differences Estimators
  5. Randomized Experiments: Design, Data Collection, and Power Calculations
  6. Randomized Experiments: Analysis and Interpretation
  7. Randomized Experiments: Applications to Education & Health
  8. Randomized Experiments: Applications to Anti-Poverty Programs
  9. Introduction to Qualitative Data Collection
  10. Introduction to Mixed Methods
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